The Poco Pad, which debuted in May, is set to arrive as the Poco Pad 5G in India. The August 23 launch event is planned, and since the gadget surfaced on Geekbench, we now have another leak disclosing the chipset and RAM.
The Poco Pad 5G was approved using the same model number, 24074PCD2I, as the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). According to the updated listing, the tablet has the same 8GB RAM and Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 CPU as its international equivalent.
The Poco Pad 5G achieved a single-core score of 1,035 and a multicore score of 2,978, which is consistent with the results we obtained during our assessment of the Poco Pad. Additionally, the description attests to the tablet's running Android 14, most likely with Xiaomi's HyperOS on top.
The Poco Pad 5G's other features, which include a 12.1-inch IPS LCD (FHD+ 120Hz), two 8MP cameras on the front and back, and a 10,000mAh battery with 33W cable charging, are all carried over from the Poco Pad.
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