At a gathering in India, Qualcomm made the official announcement of their new Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 processor (SM4635). This is a more reasonably priced 5G chipset, fabbed on a 4nm technology, targeted at low-cost smartphones, notably those debuting in India in the upcoming months, rather than a follow-up to last year's Snapdragon 4 Gen 2.

The Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 is primarily composed of two 2.0GHz Cortex-A78 cores and six 1.8GHz Crotex-A55 cores. In comparison to the ones on the SD 4 Gen 2, all eight cores have been downclocked by 200 MHz. Along with a slower LPDDR4x RAM and an unidentified Adreno GPU, the new chip also maintains compatibility with UFS 3.1 storage.

Also in use by Qualcomm is a slower 5G modem with a download speed of 1 Gbps. The maximum resolution and refresh rate for a display is FHD+, and the maximum number of main camera sensors that the image signal processing system (ISP) can handle is 84MP. Wi-Fi 5 and Bluetooth 5.1 local communication are also supported by the 4s Gen 2.

Later this year, Xiaomi stated that it will release the first Snapdragon 4S Gen 2 phone.