Apple has launched the new iPad Air, the new iPad Air Pro, with the Apple Pencil Pro. While the business has not upgraded its entry-level 10th generation iPad, which was released in 2022, but there is a drop in the price.

Starting today, you can get the latest 'vanilla' iPad for $100 less than its original price of $499. So it's merely $349 with Wi-Fi and 64GB of storage, or $499 with 256GB. If you want the version with 5G connectivity, it will cost $499 for 64GB of storage or $649 for 256GB.

Nothing else has changed with the entry-level iPad, so you still get a 10.9-inch 1640x2360 LCD screen with 500-nit average brightness, the Apple A14 Bionic CPU, 4GB of RAM, a 12 MP rear camera, and a 7,606 mAh battery.

The 10th edition iPad also includes a Touch ID fingerprint sensor and supports Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.2. You can get it in blue, pink, yellow, or silver.