Realme said yesterday that the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 SoC will power the GT 6, which is scheduled to ship on June 20. The Realme GT 6 will have a 5,500 mAh battery capable of 120W charging, the company has now revealed.
With the included 120W SuperVOOC power adapter, Realme claims that the 5,500 mAh dual-cell battery can be charged 50% in 10 minutes and 100% in 28 minutes. The Realme GT 6's "battery supports up to 46 hours of talk time and 8 hours of PUBG gameplay, retaining over 80% capacity after 1600 full charge cycles, ensuring up to four years of use with one charge per day," according to the firm.
Realme also stated that the GT 6 would allow for 120 frames per second gaming, although it has not yet released a list of games that will work with the GT 6.
Realme will reveal information regarding the GT 6's camera configuration tomorrow. It has a 50MP primary camera, as we already know, and you can see the photos we took with it here. It is stated that the two additional cameras on the back are telephoto and ultrawide lenses.
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