The engineers are working on adding a new Live Photos function to certain Realme phones, the Vice President of Realme said on Weibo. It looks a lot like Apple's iOS function, which shoots a little video before you press the shutter to see a live, moving picture in your favorite gallery app.
Since Realme 6.0 is predicated on the forthcoming Android OS version, the functionality will likely launch alongside Realme UI 6.0. This means that the feature will probably make its debut once Android 15 is released.
The Realme GT5 Pro, GT5, GT Neo6, GT Neo6 SE, GT Neo5, GT Neo5 SE, and Realme 12 Pro+ are the seven phones that will receive the functionality first. Live Photos will not, however, be sent to the phones in this sequence.
We're not sure if phones outside of China will get the functionality, but we don't see why not, given that some of the models have European versions and the news was made via a Weibo post in China.
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