Honor is getting ready to launch the Magic V3 the following week. Seven days before the device's formal release, the firm unveiled the new foldable in three additional colors: green, white, and black. We had previously seen the phone in orange with a faux leather back.

Honor stated that the hues are inspired by nature on its Weibo page. While the Green and Black options are traditional frosted panels, the White option includes a glass panel whose hue may vary based on the angle at which light reaches it.

Every choice will have a different frame around the phone and camera island. We are aware that the green one will have grey accents and the orange one will have gold ones. It's evident that White adheres to White, but Black seems to have somewhat darker gray sides.

Many things remain unclear, like the chipset, battery life, and the three rear cameras. In the days leading up to July 12, when everything officially becomes official, we anticipate learning more information.