Earlier today, Honor debuted its X60 and X60 Pro smartphones in China. A new tablet was also included in the lineup. A large 12.3-inch screen, a Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipset, and a huge 10,050 mAh battery that can be charged at 66W are all features of the Honor Tablet GT Pro.
The Tablet GT Pro's 12.3-inch OLED panel has a resolution of 1,920 x 3,000 pixels and a refresh rate of 144 Hz. The display has quad speakers with IMAX Enhanced compatibility and a maximum brightness rating of 1,600 nits.
The Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 comes with 512GB of storage and up to 16GB of RAM. Additionally, the tablet has a sizable 40,000mm2 heat sink surface, which might be useful for prolonged, intense gaming sessions.
MagicOS 8.0, which is based on Android 14, handles the software side, and the new tablet allows for Magic-Pencil 3 pen input.
The colors Moon Shadow White, Star Black, and GT Blue are available for the Honor Tablet GT Pro. The 8/128GB trim line costs CNY 2,499 ($350) in China, while the top-tier 16/512GB model costs CNY 3,299 ($465). Delivery of the Tablet GT Pro is anticipated to begin on October 22 and is currently available for purchase on Honor China's official website.
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