As of late, rumors have been circulating that Apple plans to replace the Plus model with the Slim variant when it relaunches its iPhone lineup in 2019. However, up until now, we believed that the iPhone 17 Slim would be positioned similarly to the Plus, only thinner.
That won't be the case, according to a fresh analysis released today. Rather, the iPhone 17 Slim is going to be the most expensive of the lot—it's true that it will cost more than the iPhone 17 Pro Max.
It appears that Apple is in the mood for slim devices these days. The 13" iPad Pro, the company's smallest tablet to date, was just announced, and the company is now reportedly seeking to slim down the iPhone as well, albeit at a premium in typical Apple manner.
When it comes to Apple's design language, a number of sources have purportedly labeled the iPhone 17 Slim as an iPhone X-level leap. By the time 2025 rolls around, it will undoubtedly be due for an update. It may use an aluminum chassis and is anticipated to be "much thinner" than any previous iPhone.
The design is still being considered by Apple, who seems to be considering a few different ideas. The rear camera island is probably going to shift to the phone's center, and the dynamic island will be smaller. Despite a prior rumor suggesting the iPhone 17 Slim's display will be smaller than the iPhone 15 Plus', this report notes that the screen size is still unknown.
If you're wondering why the Plus model will not be offered beyond this year, the answer is straightforward: sales figures. Alternatively, the new iPhone Slim might function as a halo model, drawing far more users than the Plus ever could.
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