Poco Pad 5G, which debuted in India recently, differs significantly from the original Poco Pad in that it has 5G cellular connectivity. With a 12.1-inch IPS LCD (FHD+ 120Hz), a 10,000 mAh battery with 33W charging, and a Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 CPU, the remaining specifications are the same for both devices.

Xiaomi's HyperOS, which is based on Android 14 and has connectivity with other Poco and Xiaomi devices, handles the software. These consist of sharing a clipboard, taking notes on several devices, syncing via a network, and accessing your phone's apps on your tablet using home screen+.

Support for the separately marketed Poco Smart Pen and Poco Keyboard accessories will also be included with the Poco Pad 5G.

Poco Pad is available in two colors: Pistachio Green and Cobalt Blue. The 8/128GB trim has a starting pricing of INR 23,999 ($286), while the 8/256GB variant costs INR 25,999 ($310). Open sales begin at Flipkart on August 27.