The Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset, formerly known as the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, will eventually be unveiled by Qualcomm on Monday. A leaked AnTuTu score from a Realme GT7 Pro prototype is currently making the rounds, and it displays a record-breaking 3,025,991 score.
That places it far ahead of both MediaTek's recently released Dimensity 9400, which last time we looked got a score in the 2.8 million area, and Apple's A18 Pro, which manages roughly 1.65 million points.
There will reportedly be two versions of the Snapdragon 8 Elite: a standard model with two cores operating at up to 4.09 GHz and six at 2.78 GHz, and a premium model with two cores operating at up to 4.32 GHz. Both variants are manufactured using TSMC's 3nm technology and include the Adreno 830 GPU.
The Snapdragon 8 Elite appears to be a very strong challenger and is reportedly bringing a significant generational performance boost over its predecessor, as evidenced by its past high Geekbench scores.
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