Earlier this month, the Vivo's Y300 Pro retail box appeared, revealing its massive 6,500 mAh battery. A prototype running Qualcomm's Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC has been discovered in the Geekbench online database.

In three different runs, it achieved single-core scores ranging from 942 to 945, while in Geekbench 6 for Android, the multi-core score varied from 2,791 to 2,824.

Although the aforementioned prototype has 12GB of RAM, Vivo may perhaps provide more choices. The Y300 Pro weighs 195g and has dimensions of 163.28 x 76.29 x 7.69 mm, according to an SGS certification. As such, it is slightly thicker, wider, taller, and heavier than the Y200 Pro, which was released back in May.